New York Textile Act to Strengthen New York's Manufacturing Industry
Legislation (S.8741A/A.9649A) Expands State Capabilities To Support Animal and Plant Fiber Growing, Processing, and Textile Manufacturing

The Act specifically:
Establishes discretionary purchase limits for public agencies to purchase animal or plant fiber products or textile products manufactured from animal or plant fiber grown or produced predominantly in New York State;

Establishes an annual New York animal or plant fiber and textile award given in recognition of unusual efforts by farmers, fiber processors, and textile manufacturers and retailers for textiles manufactured in New York State from animal or plant fiber grown or produced predominantly in New York State;

Amends the economic development law to enhance existing provisions with the purpose of for promoting the expansion of the animal or plant fiber production industry, as well as fiber processing and textile manufacturing;

Builds on New York's existing Grown and Certified program, to provide marketing support for the production and sale of textile products manufactured in New York State from animal or plant fiber grown or produced predominantly in New York State;

Provides authorization for the department of economic development to advise regarding the research and development of animal and plant fiber and fiber textile manufacturing industries and applied research; and,

Creates a Natural Fiber Textile Workgroup, chaired by the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Markets to (a)increase the economic contributions and employment opportunities related to animal and plant fiber agriculture and textile manufacturing in New York state; (b)increase private investment in, and utilization of, New York state produced and processed natural fibers in all categories of textile; manufacturing including apparel, home textile products, industrial textiles, and health care products; (c) improve public understanding of and appreciation for natural fiber textiles; and (d) increase export and market opportunities for New York produced natural fiber textiles.